The photographs are of some of our Branch Members, if you do not appear here please send me a nice clear photo (JPEG is best)
Geoff Mountstephen OBE, our most senior member. Not that he is the oldest or anything!!! He is our notable Branch President
What a fine figure of a man. Our very own Life Honorable Vice President Bob (Nutty) Head.
Vice President - Terry Hoyland
Our former illustrious leader, Roger Parsons.
Our own very dodgy Treasurer, Roy (the Bed) Bayliss
Mal Benkinsopp SLJP, as a boy. Our very own Chairman and Historian, busily working on the Barney Project.
Our Social Secretary Paul Lock, always organising excellent social events for our reunions
Newly appointed (Oct 2022) Secretary, Stephen Hemmingfield
photo to follow
The posing POME, Brian (Sugar) Busch
Our very own Back Afty, Roger Dawes.
The international entrepreneur and socialite, Judd, the George Hockey.
Now in Ozzie our very own Ron Gurr. Sleeping member!
Ex Coxn Keith (Chopper) Gane
Jan Booty
John (Smudge) Smith all the way from Ireland.
Andy Norris, hails from Gosport
A show of true companionship between Tim Greensides, our previous Secretary, Andy Norris and John (Smudge) Smith.
Sadly Tim 'Crossed the Bar' 23 August 2020 and is missed by all.
Bungy Williams
Jeff Jeffrey
Mike Charlton
Lesley Hughes
Frances Pateman with Tim Greenside (RIP) in happier times.
The beautiful wife of Smudge Smith, Mags
Mal Blenkinsopp, our very own historian and Chairman
Tiny Little
Dez Evans, Red eye, my camera or him????
Barry (Alf) Alford with ELS mascot!!
Your duty photorapher Lesley Harris-Alford
Lesley Jeffrey, sorry about the top of your head, and those drunk eds behind you!!!
Eddie Carr
Raymond (Zepp) Heppel
Les Catlin
New member (Oct 2022) Robert (Bomber) Briggs
Mags Smith, Rita Hanson and Lesley Harris-Alford.
Behind every good man etc, etc
Paul Lock with his lovely partner, Sonya Cooper, they do an excellent job together arranging our entertainment. Much appreciated by all
John Bowles