Malcolm Blenkinsopp has sent the document below by email but he understands that some members are unable to open the file.
What is The Submarine Family?
The Submarine Family is a new organisation which brings together all elements of the submarine community: serving, veteran, family and supporter. It provides a framework for fundraising and coordinated support for comradeship, commemoration, compassion, heritage and projects which support our ‘family’ in any way.
The Submarine Family is supported and overseen by the Royal Navy Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) which provides its regulatory framework. It is led by a board chaired by the Head of the Submarine Service with representatives from all elements of the family, submarine charities and the RNRMC.
The Submarine Family is free to join; however, members are encouraged to make regular donations to support its work. There will be 2 classes of membership:
Submariners – Royal Navy submariners from the start of their submarine training, through their service careers and onward through their retirement.
Families and supporters– family members of “Submariners” and those who wish to support our community.
The Submarine Family website will encourage visitors to join, provide a member’s area with information including a help and support section for families, tailored newsletters and details of how to apply for grants. The site will host an Online Book of Remembrance detailing the submariners who have given their lives in service, allowing their stories to be told and enhanced by their families.
The Submarine Family will hold a series of events throughout the year, selling branded merchandise through an online shop to aid fundraising and solidify the family identity.
The Submarine Family is the owner of The Submariner Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum.
How will this work?
The Website is integral to the organisation. Upon joining via the website or by completing a joining form , “Submariners” will receive FREE membership of any or all of The Submariners Association (SA) (subject to their approvals), We Remember Submariners (WRS), and the Friends of the Submarine Museum (Friends).
Submariners will be able to request which branch of the Submariners Association they become members of.
Family Members and Supporters will not receive automatic membership of the SA, WRS or Friends, but will be encouraged to join separately if they wish.
Whilst free to join, all members will be encouraged to give either monthly or annual donations via the website.
How will the SA, WRS and Friends survive?
The Submarine Family will make an annual grant to these associations to support their operation to ensure they continue to deliver their outputs of comradeship, remembrance and support for heritage. They may also make applications for additional grants throughout the year.
How will we spend monies generated?
The money held by the Submarine Family is available to support our community through grant application via the website. The website will describe what this money can be used for and how to apply.
Who makes these decisions?
The SM Family Board will decide on grants, it comprises members from our whole family. Serving, veterans, family, SA, WRS, Friends and others invited to join for their special skills and knowledge.
Who will run the day to day operations?
RNRC have very generously agreed to fund two staff: the Operations Manager based in the Drumfork Club in Faslane and an Administrator in RNRMC HQ in Portsmouth. The Chief of Staff to Commodore Submarine Service will provide the serving input and support. They will be supported by a group of volunteers coordinated by the Operations Manager to utilise their skills, experience and passion to enable the Family to offer a sustainable and member focused output.
Why is the website so important?
The website, , will be key in ensuring all relevant information is readily and easily accessible to all. It will contain links to SA, WRS and Friends and other organisations that are helpful to our community (including Naval Families Federation, RN Family and People Support and mental health charities).
It will provide links to other areas of interest that will benefit our community and will grow as we move forward.
It will contain a details of forthcoming events.
It will have a mobile application available for download to ensure access via mobile phones and tablets.
Members will be able to ask questions via the website or app.
The Website will become our “one stop shop” for all relevant Submarine Family information.
Will there be an online shop?
Yes. The shop will be the same site that will be used by RNRMC, RMA and RNA. We will be able to ask for specific merchandise to be produced for sale on the site and profits will go into the SM Family Fund. SA, WRS and Friends will be able to sell on this site as required, although links to their shops will be included as well. Find the shop at
When will it launch?
Early in 2022
Notes from COSM for SA
1. The Family will not be paying for membership of the other elements – a charity (RNRMC) cannot pay membership fees.
a. The Family will however give annual grants to all elements to cover running costs and funding of individual elements needs.
b. Any element can, at any time bid for additional funding through the Family.
c. At the end of each financial year, each element will be asked to report on how they have spent the previous years grant – this will inform the next years grant.
i. So if you only spend 50% of the grant, that money will remain with you but the next years grant will be reduced. Or that money can be returned to the Family to support other projects if not needed by you.
2. If the SA decides to join fully, there will be no need for current, or new members to pay annual fees.
3. The annual grant is based on what the SA needs which is up to the SA to decide.
4. It should be emphasised to members that all money paid by them into either the SA directly or to TSF will be used for the core outputs of Camaraderie, Compassion, Remembrance and Heritage so members should be encouraged to donate rather than thinking they are getting something for free.
5. The Family is not about money! It is about looking after our people.
a. Experience with the RMA and RNA suggests that we will receive more income without membership fees.
b. And we will raise funds jointly and independently (Family Dinners, Auctions, fundraising events, the shop……)
6. The NMC recommend shifting the SM Membership database and website to the TSF. This would reduce the burden on a new Membership Secretary and allow the two Admin Assistants we now have to provide support. Friends are doing this, WRS are not (yet). This does not affect the independence of the SA and strict protocols are in force to ensure that data is properly protected. The following points explain in more detail:
a. Current members data would be transferred en-bloc to the new database as members of the SA only (their data accessible to the SA appointed admins, paid admin staff and MW super admin for maintenance)
b. SA Members will told by the SA that if they wish to also join the TSF - they need to go to the TSF website and proceed through the normal joining process.
c. SA will explain to members that no more subscription payments will be taken.
d. All new joiners of the SA will be routed via the TSF joining page only. New TSF joiners do not need to join the Friends or WRS unless they wish to.
7. I understand that there is an overwhelming agreement that the Family is something the SA wants to join. The main bone of contention seems to be about money – I am not at all worried about the funding of the Family or any of our Elements. You already have c£80 in the bank, and will get a grant this year.
8. Final word: If, at any time, the Family does not work for the SA, you can choose to leave – so why not give it a go!