Welcome to the Slops page, which does not include Blue liners, or Baccy. Our Procurement Officer Roger Parsons, will be more than happy to Source any Submarine orientated items, within reason, he can get his hands on.
If you order shirts, make sure you indicate Size, Colour, Long or Short Sleeves etc...
For the first run we are only supplying one colour, BLUE (as shown). It will be an agenda item at the next meeting to discuss other products and colours.
Prices are €10 for a cap, €30 for the embroidered logo polo shirt and €28 for the printed logo and “warning” on the back.
This will be a limited number run, as we have insufficient funds to hold any stock, so please if you require any of the items, contact Roger directly at - anchorite6568@gmail.com(He will require to know, which item, the quantity and chest size (if shirt). Payment and distribution will take place at the "meet and Greet" prior to the mascot draw.
The closing date for orders will be 20th Marchl 2024. (However, please let us know before then if possible).